The ESPN video ‘Walk On’ features golfer DJ Gregory as he successfully walks a total of 988 miles to accomplish a personal dream of walking every hole of every round of each event on the 2008 PGA tour
— a shining result of Gregory’s refusal to allow a diagnosis of cerebral palsy at birth keep him from living life to the fullest. The story is made more remarkable because Gregory’s parents were told their son, now an adult, would never walk.
This powerful story is also a testament to great choices made by Gregory’s terrific parents who raised their son to reach his full potential in light of cerebral palsy, and did their best to rewrite some harsh statistics.
Please, take time to watch this incredible twelve-minute video. It will inspire and motivate you, and remind you of the power of focusing on individual ability, not disability. This is one of the finest features involving special needs that I’ve ever seen. Kudos to ESPN for a job exceptionally well done.
Watch ‘Walk On’ here, and be prepared to up your own life game.
Most of us can dream bigger dreams.
Photo: Golf Course Cafe-Mackinac Island/Judy Winter 09