Today I honor Women’s Equality Day, which commemorates the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, granting women the right to vote.

It was 102 years ago today, on August 26th, 1920, that women first won that right.

The law was passed by Congress June 4th,1919 and ratified on August 18th, 1920.

It was the result of a decade’s long battle of women’s suffrage and a right hard won.

A voting right that today is still being challenged.

Thanks to all the brave, bold and trailblazing women that fought long and hard for this right, and for those that continue the fight for women’s equality today.

We must always work to ensure equal rights for women, and not just today.

But every day.

Never take this hard-won right for granted.

Make sure you vote.

For more information, visit:

Women’s Equality Day | National Women’s History Museum (