The 2011 Toys R Us Differently Abled Toy Guide, with Eva Longoria on its cover, is now available online. Longoria’s sister, Elizabeth, was born with Down syndrome, making this a great fit for the superstar special needs sib. Longoria shares the cover with 5-year-old Elijah De Lo Corda, who has Down syndrome.
Find the guide here.
Kudos to Toys R Us for publishing this valuable guide for nearly twenty years, a resource which helps take some of the guess work out of purchasing age/skill level appropriate and fun gifts for kids with physical, cognitive or developmental disabilities. What a blessing for the families and their children. The end result? More smiles on the faces of the lucky receivers.
Kudos to the Desperate Housewives star for honoring her sister by advocating for important resources for those with special needs. You can find out more about Longoria’s charity designed to enhance the lives of those with developmental disabilities, Eva’s Heroes, here.
Love it when celebs use their celebrity for good, especially when it benefits the lives of those with special needs. Thanks, Eva!
Image courtesy of Toys R Us.