Chase your dreams, big or small, ladies.
Don’t ever let anyone stop you from achieving your dreams either, including with negative word/mind play.
Sometimes from those you least expect.
Shake it off. Move on. Take a deep breath. Exhale hard.
Get louder, too, about creating needed change for a world sorely in need. Lots of work for us all to do there. The world is counting on us, sisters. Get good stuff done.
Meet the moment. Be fearless. Speak up wherever needed. Balance out the loud, shameless crud dominating too much of world. Don’t play silent victim.
One person can indeed make a difference.
Make 2024 your greatest year, ever!
Believe in yourself. You really are more powerful than you know.
Believe it. Act it out. With confidence and sass. Watch what happens.
Surprise yourself.
Maybe long overdue?
Courtesy Photo IDW 2024. Winter Image by Jena Hovey/-McShane Photography 2024.