One more exciting entry regarding today’s Spread-the-Word-to-End-the-Word Day. On The Gayle King Radio Show this a.m., O’s best friend interviewed Special Olympics CEO, Tim Shriver, about eliminating use of the r-word.
This is huge special needs progress, and a dream come true for me because I remember when the national media payed little or no attention to this population and its important issues. To have Gayle King take on this discussion before a worldwide audience is amazing.
Tim Shriver is a great media spokesperson for this campaign and for the rights of those with special needs and he did a terrific job explaining the reason for today’s needed awareness. Hope we see more of him in national media interviews soon. Eunice Kennedy Shriver would be proud of her son.
My, how the tide is changing.
Photo of my husband and me with Tim Shriver at Special Olympics Washington DC headquarters. Photos of athletes courtesy of Special Olympics. Used with permission.