Hopefully, your candle was burning brightly for your loved one last night during The Compassionate Friends Annual Candle Lighting, just as mine was for my son, Eric.
Knowing how tough the holidays can be when you’ve lost a child, especially during those early anniversaries, I’m sharing two additional links with you.
The first is to a 2008 blog post of mine about the healing power of cemetery visits. The second is from Therese Dawe, a nurse who hasn’t lost a child, but who exhibits a rare and insightful sensitivity to those who have.
I hope these words will provide further support to you as you walk through your greatest loss, and yes, you can survive. But know that time alone heals nothing. It’s what you do with that time that helps heals your heart and soul.
I hope these words will provide further support to you as you walk through your greatest loss, and yes, you can survive. But know that time alone heals nothing. It’s what you do with that time that helps heals your heart and soul.
Eight years after the lost of my much-loved son, this much I know.
Read ‘The Cemetery Gang Offers Support in Loss,’ here.
Read ‘Stone Soup: The Gift of Remembering by Therese Dawe,’ here
Photo Judy Winter 2010