Usually when we think about the new seasonal garden, our thoughts turn to live plants, like ferns, petunias, geraniums and so many other floral gems. But my creative garden planning also includes a little garden bling. Those sweet little extras that really help make a garden statement. Your garden statement.
For me, that includes having fun with metal flowers, ceramic bird baths, showy wreaths, and dazzling mirrors that can withstand unpredictable seasonal elements, including high heat and humidity, gusty winds and heavy downpours.
That said, for this week’s 15-Minute Friday, here are just a few photos of the 2022 summer bling that just found a place on my porch and among the early plants.
No doubt, more will be joining them soon as I fine tune my creative touches, like an artist adding one more color to their canvas.
I must admit. A little garden bling makes this garden mama happy, too.
What are some of your favorite garden things?