As my fall gardens continue to fade, I’m excited to share that I’ve got one tree that’s clearly showing off for this week’s Garden Moments.
It’s my first Apple tree, with its first little baby apples!
It all looks very fall-like, and I am thrilled to finally have fruit in my garden!
That said, much of what I’ve read states that you shouldn’t eat the first crop.
But the gardens critters don’t seem to mind. I’ve discovered more than one on the ground with a bite taken out of it.

While Apple Crisp probably isn’t in the cards for this first crop, I’m looking forward to harvesting and creating future treats.
From apples grown in my own garden.
Can’t wait for those lovely spring blossoms that help usher in the beauty of spring, too.
I’m simply garden-apple giddy.

Are you a fan of having fruit trees on your property?
Winter Images 2023. All rights reserved.