Paris Dreaming-

Paris Dreaming-

“I’m not sitting in a makeup chair for three hours. I’m going to the Louvre!” -Pamela Anderson Past Paris Fashion Week / Jena Hovey-McShane Photography
Wanderlust Revisted-

Wanderlust Revisted-

While finally finding a little extra time to check out what needs updating on my blogs, I discovered that while I’ve been traveling a lot in 2024, I haven’t been taking you along!!! Travel apologies! It’s been an incredibly busy travel year on the...
Welcome, Sweet September-

Welcome, Sweet September-

One of my favorite months of the year is almost here. For me, September is filled with both great love and tough emotional history. It is one of the most beautiful and most heartbreaking months of the calendar year. It has been key in defining both my professional and...
New Birkies!-

New Birkies!-

I’ve been way too attached to my brown Birkenstocks this spring and summer. I knew it was time for a new pair for fall. The old ones looked a little bit tired. Like me after too many sultry summer days. So I got a brand-new color! GREEN! Deep, rich shades of...