Today’s blog is going to be short, fairly sweet and definately to the point- mainly cause I’ve been slightly overscheduled this week. So it’s either keep this short or hold off on adding a new blog for a few more days. (I can’t disappoint you like that)! And why ramble on this week when I can make great use of your reading time by suggesting that you check out a great story on your own with the click of a mouse! (Ain’t technology grand?).
Want to get inspired in your own life? Check this out…
My friend, Brooke Ellison, is running for New York State Senate. To learn about Brooke’s story, her life and her political campaign, just go to her website After reading about this amazing young woman, you might just be motivated to move a few mountains of your own this week! Brooke has faced some big life challenges, including disability, with remarkable courage, grace and guts.
Be forewarned- once you have ‘met’ Brooke Ellison, it’s going to be a lot tougher for you to make the same lame excuses about what’s preventing you from taking action to create much needed-change in your own daily life. Remember all those big dreams you once had? It’s rarely too late to pursue them…
Brooke Ellison is one smart, determined woman, and great role model for anyone looking to change the world- or at least a tiny corner of it. I think she’d make a terrific, hard-working Senator, sensitive to meeting the needs of an increasingly diverse society teetering on the edge of madness, not a bad person to have in office these days, huh?
Brooke has succeeded (excelled) in everything she has taken on in her life, regardless of the significant challenges thrown her way. Instead of complaining loudly about the need for change in the world, Brooke Ellison is taking important action. There’s a big difference between the two.
Once you’ve learned more about Brooke, it’s your turn to act! Whatever it is that moves you, pushes your buttons, makes you stand up and cheer, take it on, however seemingly small the action. Get started. Get educated. Get inspired. Then get involved. And use your voice wisely.
That’s how real change happens. And Lord knows, we could use the leadership.
Wishing you a week of productive change…. Tell Brooke I sent you…