This is an exciting possibility for a family of a baby with Down syndrome to find their little darling cast in a major tv movie for the Lifetime Channel!!

This request also shows how far we have come when a major tv producer is looking to both cover this subject and cast a person with a disability, not just an actor playing a role. Please help me spread the word on this cool request from my good friend Gail Williamson, ex. dir of the Down Syndrome Assoc of Los Angeles! She has been the key voice/advocate in helping actors with special needs find employment, and in educating the industry about the value and importance of doing so.

Gail Williamson rocks- and so does this opportunity.
Just don’t go turning into a nightmare stage mom or dad, okay?

From: Gail:

Please help me out and forward this email to anyone you know anywhere in the US and Canada that might have contact with a brand new Caucasian baby girl who has Down syndrome.

The book “The Memory Keeper’s Daughter” is being made into a film for the Lifetime Channel. It is shooting in Nova Scotia in November. They are looking for a baby girl born in October 2007 to appear in the film as the new born Phoebe. They only found one baby with DS born in Nova Scotia in 2007 and she is 6 months old. In Canada it is a law to screen every expectant mother for DS not just a guideline, scary isn’t it?

I need to hear from any parent of a newborn who might want the opportunity for their little one to work in Nova Scotia in November 2007. I would also consider older babies weighing under 8 lbs. I know from my son Blair being a preemie he didn’t hit 8 lbs until he was about 4 months old.

I have an agent that would negotiate all the details making sure to get appropriate pay and travel for the family. Please have anyone interested contact me at the DSALA office at 818-242-7871 or they can reach me by email at

Thank you for helping me with this search, and watch for the film on Lifetime next spring.

Gail Williamson
Executive Director
Down Syndrome Association of Los Angeles, Inc.
315 Arden Avenue, Suite 25
Glendale, CA 91304
818-242-7871 voice
818-242-7819 fax
Breakthrough Parenting for Children with Special Needs: Raising the Bar of Expectations