In honor of Down Syndrome Awareness Month, my friend, the talented actor/photog, Blair Williamson. Focused on ability.

Jammin at RicStar’s Camp 2013.. Erik Taylor Photography. All rights reserved.Mid-Week Reflection:I’ve been focused on special needs advocacy/writing/speaking/parenting for more than two decades. While much work remains, I also recognize just how far...

The 4th Annual Audi/Best Buddies walk/run event held recently in Washington, D.C. raised $2.5 million for Best Buddies.See what can be accomplished when we join forces for good? It takes a village to help ensure the lives of those with exceptionalities are the best...

Wednesday Words of Wisdom: “Strength does not come from physical capacity.  It comes from indomintable will.” -Mahatma Ghandi.

My answer to the partial government shutdown and shameless political antics holding this country hostage? Take the best special needs parents and let them govern.They’ll get things done in record time, for all the right reasons.

Life Lesson.Life’s toughest parenting lesson?Letting go.Don’t further DISable your child. ENABLE him/her.Can make a world of difference for you both.