Monday Music!-

Monday Music!-

Here we go, campers! RicStar’s Camp! Year 21! Day One! Let’s get this music party started!!! For more on information, including to volunteer or support a camper financially, visit: Eric ‘RicStar’ Winter In-Person and Virtual Music Therapy Camp...
RicStar’s Camp, Year 21!-

RicStar’s Camp, Year 21!-

Less than a week to go to celebrate the 21st Anniversary of the Eric ‘RicStar’ Winter Music Therapy Camp!! Also known as RicStar’s Camp, this June event on the campus of Michigan State University welcomes individuals of all ages and abilities and...
Call for Volunteers-

Call for Volunteers-

Midweek Call for Volunteers for 21st year of RicStar’s Camp. Registration now ongoing!!! GO GREEN! session: June 12-14 and GO WHITE! session: June 15-17. The success of RicStar’s Camp would not be possible without amazing volunteers. Focused on ability and...
Mother’s Day 2023-

Mother’s Day 2023-

To all the moms of kiddos with special needs everywhere that give parenting all they got and more 24/7, and somehow manage to keep all the dicey parenting balls in the air (most days) with too little support, sleep, understanding and resources, I wish you a...