World Cerebral Palsy Day-

World Cerebral Palsy Day-

Today we recognize and celebrate World Cerebral Palsy Day! Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a disability that impacts more than 17 million people worldwide, making it one of the most common and least understood disabilities. According to Mayo Clinic, cerebral palsy is most...
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month-

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month-

Throughout the month of October, people will be recognizing and celebrating individuals with Down syndrome to help create greater awareness about this disability. I will do the same here and on my professional Facebook page where I post about disability daily. Icon...
Welcome, Celebratory October-

Welcome, Celebratory October-

It’s time for falling leaves in vibrant Crayola colors, and pumpkins and gourds of all shapes and sizes. Time to savor hot beverages like hot spiced cider and pumpkin lattes that take the edge off the increasing chill. It’s the month of witches and goblins...
World Heart Day 2022-

World Heart Day 2022-

Today is World Heart Day 2022. The day is observed yearly to raise awareness of cardiovascular disease, with an emphasis on prevention, treatment and managing heart disease. This year’s theme is Cardiovascular Health for Everyone. According to the Centers for...
My Professional Facebook Page-

My Professional Facebook Page-

A reminder that you will find daily updates and additional resources about parenting kids with special needs on my professional Facebook page: Breakthrough Parenting for Children with Special Needs. That’s also the name of my parenting book available at...
2022 Points of Light Recognition-

2022 Points of Light Recognition-

I am honored to share that I have been included in the 2022 Points of Light Inspiration Honor Roll for my volunteer work this past year, including for the 20th Anniversary of the Eric ‘RicStar’ Winter Music Therapy Camp, aka RicStar’s Camp –...