Late July and early August are the times when my enthusiasm for summer Garden Moments quickly starts to wane.
I have to work to keep myself motivated to continue to enjoy fading blooms, while keeping up watering and deadheading, and replacing a few plants before fall hits in earnest.
It’s a strange gardening time for me. I’m not much of a summer girl. I love the promise of the gardens in April and May (which weren’t all that great this year weatherwise). But as the heat and humidity of summer rages on, I start to wilt and lose interest, and I set my sights on autumn.
It is my favorite season of all. I love the cooler temps, shorter days, and breaks from sultry and sweaty humidity. This year, I planned the garden to better meet that love of fall. I used more arborvitae and hydrangea and other greens, and less annuals. It has been a great decision, one that will keep my base garden and window boxes living on longer with less upkeep, as I add other seasonal accents like mums and pumpkins.
So here we are. That time on the seasonal calendar when I my gardener’s discipline is sorely tested. I try hard to keep up and stay focused on and enjoy the fading beauty that still remains. I start replacing some plants that are now simply tired out from summer heat, too. I’m also drying more of my lovely hydrangeas with the greens to savor them long after they have gone into hibernation. Something to remember summer by.
I term this time the in-between garden season. It’s when I start hungering and planning for adding lush mums in Crayola colors and outdoor holidays accents.
While there is still plenty of summer left to savor, it won’t be long now.
To every garden there is a season, and one of my favorites will soon take center stage.
Truth be told. I can’t wait.
What about you?
Winter Images 2023. All rights reserved.