While garden cleanup in photos is definitely on the near horizon, here’s my first post for the 2024 Garden Moments blog!
Porch wreath!!!!

Finally! After what seems like forever, I took down the 2023 Christmas wreath on Easter Eve and replaced it with this happy springtime wreath made with love from my own creative hands. It is such a delightful and happy annual rite of spring passage!!
Thanks to Walmart for the affordable goods! Note: I paid for them.
I love making my own wreaths and I especially love using them outdoors to accent my fencing and my garden nooks. I think they add such charm, and lovely, protective homes for my sweet birdy friends and their chirping babies.
I try hard to pick faux flowers that look more real so I can use them again sustainably if the weather warriors allow. Some years these wreaths take a real beating.
Such was the case with last year’s front porch wreath, which gets hot afternoon sun and lots of porch watering.
It needed to be replaced, and I was up for the design task at hand.

Wreaths are expensive, even those found at places like T.J. Maxx. I know I can make them cheaper and prettier and that’s just what I did for another year of garden love.
Today’s post is your official introduction to the 2024 Garden Moments blog!!

We’re back, gardening buddies, with more weekly content!

Hope you enjoy the new season as much as I love creating the seasonal mood.
Gardening fills my heart and soul with such happiness.
Another season always equals more joy. Love sharing that with you.
Are you excited about digging your hands back in the dirt again, too?
Winter Images 2024. All rights reserved.