Happy Hearts Day tomorrow to all!
If you lack a significant other in your life right now, you can still give your time, energy and gifts to local charities in need, or to a lonely neighbor that’s grieving.
You can thank your child’s teacher for all he/she does, and honor sacred friendships by buying a friend lunch, or pay for a stranger’s coffee in the line behind you at the drive thru or give an extra donation to a favorite cause.
Lay roses at the grave of a loved one.
So many ways to express appreciation and love, at time when such actions and kindness are more needed than ever before.
Remember, you can also buy your own flowers, dinner, and beverage of choice.
Redefine your expectations for this annual day of love and make it increasingly meaningful to and your own life.
Leave little hearts wherever you go.
Doesn’t that sound like a lovely way to honor this day?

Do you normally celebrate Valentine’s Day?