One thing foremost on my mind as I planned this week’s continuing Sassy Fashionista Fall-Fashion Preview series was this.
Why do so many fashion editors and influencers showcase fashion buys that are not affordable to the masses?
Not even close.
I’m not asking this about people who have the financial means to buy a dress that costs $2,000 or a coat that costs even more.
I’m talking about the everyday person that so wants to be fashionably relevant they will chase a high-end designer purse costing thousands of dollars and then end up heartbroken when they can’t get one.
I have no desire to spend my limited (key word) funds or my time and energy in that way.
I‘d rather find a better buy (still quality) and then support efforts to help people struggling to acquire the basics in life, like food, shelter and baby formula.
I love fashion. Always have. Always will.
But I think we now live in a world too-obsessed with acquiring more stuff and keeping up with the fashion elites.
Whether or not we can afford their extravagant lifestyles.
We see videos of celebs touting their wealth and decide that we need those things, too.
No, we don’t, and most of us will achieve little more than big debt chasing such unrealistic life dreams.
Better to refocus our fashion wants and needs with a more sensible eye on our budgets.
The celebs, influencers and editors that hold fashion-decision cache should be much more mindful of what they are promoting.
My take is that no one should go into serious debt for a designer purse.
Maybe for a good education. But not for a purse.
Think about that.
All that said, I’ve been spending the last two years working hard to reduce my own fashion clutter to become more fiscally and socially responsible, something my hubby truly appreciates.
It’s proved surprisingly empowering to me, too.
Not constantly chasing the Holy Grail of fashion has caused me to donate many items I no longer need or want to charity instead, many of which were foolish fashion choices, including several impulse purchases from the irresistible call to acquire from today’s young influencers.
Sure, I could sell them and make a few bucks. If that helps your economics, go for it.
But after working really hard all these years, I don’t need those few extra bucks. I’d rather allow someone with a more limited income to have the chance to obtain some still good wearable stuff.
In fact, when I purchase new today, I always donate a matching item.
This new focus has caused me to feature less-expensive items on this blog whenever possible, items I think can help make a look without breaking the fashion bank.
That means being selective about your core pieces first. Something I’ve been doing for the past two years.
No easy fashion task.
Some fashion is hard to let go of, sometimes for complex, emotional reasons.
Witness the boon in online shopping during Covid-19.
While looking to add a couple of new sweaters to my autumn haul this week, I fell in love with this Achillea Luxurious Big Paisley Pashmina on
At $14.99 plus tax, it’s a fashion steal. I may order the purple one, too.
Barbie Pink is being touted as one of fall’s big colors. I wanted to add more of this color without looking like a walking cotton-candy princess searching for her nearly perfect Ken.
Already married my Prince Charming.
Close enough.
This lovely scarf was an affordable choice, and I was thrilled that I’d purchased it as soon as it arrived.
Which is not always the case for me with Amazon.
Except for books. I love ordering and receiving their books.
Spoken like the author that I am.
The scarf that I purchased is made of a lighter-weight fabric that is not too delicate, offering up a mosaic of lovely colors and elegant design.
This particular choice is incredibly flattering against my slightly olive skin, a gift from my mother’s European heritage.
It will be perfect to reach for during all those moments when I want to add a little pizzaz to a more streamlined outfit, including jeans and a t-shirt.
That’s the beauty of adding affordable accessories to your wardrobe.
They have a way of elevating a look without raising your bill or leaving you feeling overdressed in an increasingly casual world.
At least this scarf does. I cannot wait to wear it once the weather cools a bit more.
I think it’s a great investment piece that is going to make me feel like a million bucks on repeat.
Minus the hefty price tag.
Leaving me with the funds to still take part in a local back-to-school, Stuff-A-Backpack effort or help stock the shelves at the food bank to lessen food insecurity in my town.
This recent purchase was a perfectly Sassy-Fashionista decision.
A sensible one, too.
Fashion win-win.
Are you adding any lovely, affordable accessories to your closet this fall?

As always, fashion rant and photos are my own. For now.