Back-to-school means it’s time for new shoes!!!

No matter your age.

Or, whether or not you’re headed back to the classroom.

I’m not. Although I am an eternal student of life.

If that counts.

So, I got me a pair of cool and comfortable New Balance sneakers to take part in all that back-to-school buzz.

I always loved going to school. Big dreams took root in those classrooms.

Sometimes I’m practical in my fashion choices, people.

Plus, can’t wear Birkenstock sandals in the winter.

‘Cause I’m not doing that sock thing with them….


I have foot-fashion standards, too.

These NB shoes hit that mark!

The brand has become very popular in recent years, and lots of fashion influencers now wear them. Even Parisians, known for past disdain of sneakers, now sport them.

I’ve always been a fan because they are great for wider feet.

Like mine.

So, when it came time for new back-to-school pair, this is the Sassy Fashionista pair I purchased online from

I scored the 574 Core in Grey/White in my regular size 8 1/2 for $89.99 plus tax. Free shipping. A few color choices. But many already sold out.

Love the color for fall. I’m into all things brown and neutral with earthy tones and these fit that bill, along with sporting a cool silver accent.

A little shoe bling.

Who knew New Balance would become so cool? And a little pricey.

If they fit my wide feet, and they do, they are well worth the bucks!!

Do you buy new shoes in the fall, too?

Winter Images 2023. All rights reserved.