No Decision Without Us-
#COORDOWN made a terrific advocacy spot last year in honor of #WorldDownSyndromeDay2024. They are back again this year with yet another terrific...
Check out this page for the most up-to-date news about RicStar’s Camp dates, registration & volunteering, updates regarding my current projects, including my books, and announcements of my public events, including book signings. It will all be here in one-easy-to find, timely and consolidated page.
Come back often to see what I’m up to and if you can be part of the fun. If you’d like to schedule me for a speaking or literary gig, contact me below.
I’d love to connect with you!
Hope to see you at a future event!
Contact Me ❤️
Want to connect about speaking gigs, book signings, interviews, ask a specific question or just share your positive thoughts about my work? Message me— I’d love to hear from you.