RicStar's Camp

Author. Speaker. Advocate.

The Power Of One ❤️

WELCOME TO RICSTAR’S CAMP—Where the focus is on Ability! 

Or, order from your local independent bookstore. 

The co-founders of RicStar’s Camp: Dick &
Judy Winter & Cindy Edgerton. (center).
This will be Edgerton’s 21st straight year as
Camp Director. All three are MSU Alum.

Spartans Will!

In June 2024, we will celebrate the 22nd Anniversary of the award- winning, nationally recognized Eric ‘RicStar’ Winter Music Therapy Camp, aka RicStar’s Camp. The purpose of RicStar’s Camp is to provide opportunities for musical expression enjoyment and interaction for people of all ages and abilities, while improving the lives of those with differing abilities through the emotional, physical, cognitive, and social benefits of Music Therapy.

RicStar’s Camp honors my son, Eric Richard Winter, who had a gift for music and cerebral palsy. Under the skill and heart of the Community Music School Music Therapy Clinical Services Program, part of the College of Music at Michigan State University, Eric began writing music shortly before he passed away unexpectedly in 2003 at age 12.

Because music added so much to Eric’s life, our family directed all memorial gifts go to the Community Music School to begin a yearly summer music camp, of which I am co-founder. The Eric ‘RicStar’ Winter Music Camp has served nearly 2,000 campers, and impacted hundreds of families, friends and volunteers.

No one is every turned away from this ground-breaking and inclusive summer camp due to age, disability, or financial need. Siblings are also welcome.

Eric’s life, legacy and music live on in beautiful ways.

In 2019, I was honored as a L’Oréal Paris Women of Worth Honoree because of my volunteer work with RicStar’s Camp. Watch that video here. Judy Winter – L’Oréal Paris

Jena Hovey is a Lansing, Michigan based photographer specializing in candid portraiture, live music, and stormy landscapes.

In addition to my own photography, several of the photos on this website are by the incredibly talented Jena Hovey of McShane Photography. We are thrilled that Jena is also serving as the photographer for the film, CAMP RICSTAR

CAMP RICSTAR—We are thrilled to announce that we have completed a 90-minute film documentary that explores the camp’s rich beginnings, while also highlighting stories of campers impacted by Eric Winter’s music legacy. We will honor our terrific campers and resolute families by adding a powerful family perspective to the story of the Disability Rights Movement— recognition long overdue.

CAMP RICSTAR is being produced by McConnell-Hauser, a full-service film-production company based in NYC and L.A.

CLICK HERE for timely updates about this exciting new film!


“At RicStar’s Camp, everybody is equal.”– Judy Winter 




The 22nd Annual Eric ‘RicStar’ Music Camp, aka RicStar’s Camp, has been announced!!!

The GO WHITE Group, for ages 25 and up, will be held Thursday-Saturday, June 13th – June 15th.
The GO GREEN Group, for ages 25 and under, will be held Monday-Wednesday, June 17th – June 19th.
Registration will open after February 1st. For now, get these dates on your calendar!

Camp will be held both in-person and virtually.

Financial Assistance available.

For more information about RicStar’s Camp, including registration, donations, and volunteer opportunities, contact Camp Director, Cindy Edgerton at edgerto3@msu.edu or call 517.667.8326

To learn more about the rich history of RicStar’s Camp, CLICK HERE.

Samples of RicStar’s Camp Videos: (More videos on YouTube.com)

(2019) Better When I’m Dancin’.
(2018) This is Me.

Eric Winter’s Compositions:  Melody # 1 is at 23:53/ Melody #2 is at 25.39
Melody #1 here. Eric ‘RicStar’ Winter Virtual Music Therapy Camp Be A Star Showcase, 2020 – YouTube
Melody #2 here. Eric ‘RicStar’ Winter Virtual Music Therapy Camp Be A Star Showcase, 2020 – YouTube
Sample Media Coverage:
RicStar’s Camp has received well-deserved press over the years, for
which we are incredibly grateful. Here’s a sampling. 

-Fox 47 Morning Blend                                                                                         

-WKAR-TV: In the Community—Year 18 of RicStar’s Camp:
-2019 Eli Archives:
-2017 Lansing State Journal (Gannett)

RicStar’s Music Camp Marks 15th Year of Nurturing Musical Expression for People with Special Needs

-2017 Michigan Mother Starts Music Camp to Honor Son’s Legacy

Contact Me ❤️

Want to connect about speaking gigs, book signings, interviews, ask a specific question or just share your positive thoughts about my work? Message me— I’d love to hear from you.

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