I don’t know about you, but I often find myself so busy weeding and watering and planting during my spring and summer Garden Moments that I often forget to just pause and marvel at all the seasonal beauty Mother Nature and I have created together.
I forget to breathe out, too.

That’s just what I did at twilight earlier this week on a beautiful summer night. It’s one of my favorite times to visit my garden, after the heat and humidity of the day give way to cooling breezes, accented by my favorite yardbird’s bedtime lullabies.
While refreshing, reflective drops from a recent watering still glisten on leaves and petals.
Tweet. Tweet. Glisten. Glisten.

I need to pause in my garden more often, before the rapidly fleeting summer days are again behind us and the late-summer schedule amps up. Shorter days are quickly becoming a reality, along with back-to-school commercials and Halloween merch suddenly showcased in stores. Ugh.
Don’t miss the lovely late-summer show unfolding in front you by looking ahead. Instead, savor every magical drop in front of you. Like I plan to do.

Are you enjoying the fruits of your summer Garden Moment moments?
Winter Images 2024. All rights reserved.