It’s that time of year when my gardening thoughts suddenly turn from keeping summer plants alive and looking lush, to switching out sad, fading blooms with fresh, colorful autumn mums.
While late August often takes my garden thoughts to that new wonderful season peeking just around the corner, this year even I felt like the summer posies checked out a little earlier than usual.
Like me, I think they wilted under some of the relentless summer heat.
What will climate change mean for future summer gardens, I wondered as I refreshed my garden with hubby’s help?
Together, we finally planted all those gorgeous potted summer hydrangeas that had provided us with sweet-indoor bouquets all summer long.
I hope that gives us a head start on their lovely offerings next year.
We also did much more than 15-minutes of cleaning out all those wilted and tired summer plants and prepared to plant all those late-summer bargain perennial purchases, too.
It seems like just yesterday I started this blog with you to share our 2022 spring/summer seasonal promise.
Summer has a way of passing by quickly.
Blink of a dedicated gardener’s eye.
So here we are.
Another Seasonal Switch.
This one to shorter days and autumn beauty with vibrant yellow mums taking over five colorful pots that recently held those treasured hydrangeas.
Hours of hard work completed once again.
My back muscles will no doubt remind me of all my spirited end-of-season garden efforts soon enough.
Time now to sit on the porch and take in all the cleaned-up beauty I survey.
Let the Pumpkin-Spice season, and all that sweetness fall brings with it, commence.
Have you done a seasonal garden switch at your house, yet?