At this time of year, when nature’s floral bounty seems to be at a seasonal crossroad, it can be difficult to get a fresh-floral fix from your own garden.
But while I am busy switching out summer offerings for hardy fall mums, I am grateful to still be able to access fresh flowers courtesy of roadside stands and specialty stores.
That’s where I got this beautiful bouquet today.
Not more much to say about it except, she’s a beauty.
And I am incredibly grateful for the gift of more lovely posies showing off in a vase inside my home, a great Friday Garden-Moments post.
Even if they were not nurtured by my own hands in my own garden dirt.
At this challenging time of the gardening year, I’m okay with that.
Good for the gardener’s soul.
No matter nature’s source.
Do you give yourself the gift of fresh flowers all year long?