In addition to the Winter Solstice, which represents the first official day of Winter, today is also the shortest day of the year.
Which means it’s going to get dark very early.
On the plus side, starting tomorrow, the days will get a little bit longer each day.
That’s enough to help me solider on through not only the chilly, dark solstice, but an impending blizzard that threatens much of the country right up until Christmas Eve.
Lucky for me, our family will be hunkering down and waiting out the storm with enough food, firewood, presents adorned, and the sweet, contagious laughter or our family.
Wherever you are and however you plan to celebrate, please stay warm and safe.
And don’t forget to bring your pets indoors, too.
Merry Christmas, one and all!
Happy Holidays to all that celebrate this time of year with meaningful rituals and firm beliefs.
It truly is the most wonderful time of the year.
Except for May.
That cherished month honors my birthday, Mother’s Day, and fragrant lilacs.
Without question, May is my favorite month of all.
But I adore the magic of Christmas, too.
Winter Solstice blessings to all.
Do you celebrate the Winter Solstice in any special way?