I know, I just gave big props to The White House Project, (’tis the season), but with only a week left before this incredibly important election is history, WHP deserves all the press/blog for the great work they do.
That now includes a clever new campaign effort: Take Our Daughters to the Polls! As Oprah would say. “Love that!” Marie Wilson, head of The White House Project, is also one of the women responsible for the birth of National Take Our Daughter’s to Work Day, making this an especially natural fit, and not all that surprising. Read the stats provided; then get busy.
You can help combat future political gender inequity and help put more women in office. It all starts with helping our girls understand that it is indeed possible. Take your daughters, including those with special needs, to the polls on Tuesday! Your example is more powerful than words.
My baby can vote all on her own; and yes, she knows how important it is that she head to the polls. (photo by Erik Taylor Photography 2007. Used with permission. All rights reserved).